Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sculpture Project 1: Cardboard

For our first project in Sculpture, we were given the guidelines:
  1. You must create a sphere that is exactly 12" wide
  2. It must be able to roll down a ramp
  3. You can only use corrugated cardboard
We were given a quick demonstration on how to create a variety of different joints using cardboard and then let loose.

Using three different types of joints I proceeded to make three maquettes (a sphere, a cube, and a triangle) in preparation for my sphere. I was originally planning on doing a sphere that was essentially a cage, with said maquettes inside as a nod to the process of creation but after looking at these objects, I decided to do something completely different.

Instead, what I based my sphere on was the concept of creating the illusion of three dimensional space using a two dimensional form by spiral cutting two circles and then expanding them out like an accordion. Unfortunately, in my smaller shapes I forgot to take into consideration that thinner longer pieces of cardboard tend to suffer significantly in the realm of structural integrity and so I had to add a large number of elements to make the piece even physically viable.

That said, this is what I finally ended up with:

And in case you were wondering: It was a little too wide and almost made it down the ramp (which was about 14" wide)

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