Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fall Break

During my fall break this year, I decided to go visit my family for first break in a few years. I first met up with them in Cleveland and we all went to see one of my cousins get married in Harkness Chapel located on the Case Western Reserve campus, which I brought along a camera and decided to shoot.
After this, we all traveled back to where the reside now, in Houston, TX, having moved this summer. I then spent a few days there and during which I traveled up to San Antonio to visit my friend who is going to school at Trinity University, located there.
The photos below appear off colour because I decided to, rather than use the nice professional film I have been shooting on recently (Fujifilm Pro 160 S and Kodak Portra 160 NC), to use some Kroger brand film that I found when I purchased my last 35mm cameras - the discolouration is due to the fact that it expired in 1999. The reason that I decided to do so is that I find the false colour readings that often come with shooting on expired film/printing on expired paper are very interesting and often surreal/nostalgic, ideas I thought appropriate for weddings. Once I left the wedding though, I thought that since I had started anyway, I might as well try to finish off rest of Kroger rolls, which I shot while back in Texas